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    We are the professional organization for academics—researchers, educators, and administrators—in technical and scientific communication.

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Our New Officers 2014-2016

The votes are in, and we have our new officers for 2014-2016.

Congratulations to new President Lisa Meloncon, Vice President Lee-Ann Breusch, Secretary Erik Hayenga, and Treasurer Kay Adkins.

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Wrap-Up of the 2014 Conference

The 2014 conference at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs was our largest ever, with 175 participants. We came together to enjoy the beauty of the mountains and stimulating conversations about programs, curricula, and faculty concerns.

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Website Redesign


CPTSC.org has a new look! We’ve done some reorganizing to clarify our mission, make the site easier to use, and provide space for some new projects.

We’ve created an About Us page. A Resources page pulls together content from many places on the old site for quicker access. Much of what you found in the old Initiatives tab has moved to a Committees page. The Membership page will expand with new members-only content. A Program Review page holds the place for a project currently in development. And check out the President’s Blog for our latest news.

President's Blog

Lisa Meloncon

When I first started to go to conferences, it never really crossed my mind about the organizations that sponsored them. But then, by the time I was moving closer to tenure, I began to wonder how you got involved in organizations. Particularly in technical and professional communication, it seems that a lot of the organizational work is completely hidden and newcomers have trouble figuring out how to enter. Sometimes, it’s even perceived that organizations are a closed group, that is, if you don’t know the right people then you can’t enter.

As many of you know, I’m not shy so figuring out how to volunteer my time was not hard, but I also know, that I’m kind of unique in this regard. One of theof goals of the President’s Blog is to make the work of the organization more transparent. By that I mean, I want everyone—those who have been active for awhile, those who are kind of new, and those who may want to join—to understand how the organization works and ways they can get involved. In all organizations run by the labor of volunteers, there are always things to do, and always opportunities to bring your own ideas into the conversation.

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