We had such a good time and great response in the first two iterations, we’re going to keep holding faculty office hours. This is a space for those teaching, administering, or researching in the area of technical and professional communication. Especially if you’re the only one in your area of feel like you need another perspective, faculty office hours gives you a space to get answers to your concerns or questions. While we have general topics, the conversations are usually far ranging.
You can join us here: https://mit.webex.com/meet/facultyhours
Days and Topics
Spring, 2020 at 5:30pmET
- January 15: Social Media professionally and programmatically
- February 19: Favorite Assignment and Activities
- March 11: Favorite open access resources (websites, (e.g. the .gov plain language stuff), open access, etc.)
- April 15: Making TPC work visible/importance of research and what we do
- May 13: SOTL for TPC
And here’s a BIG THANK YOU to Sarah Gunning for her work in getting us started and sticking with it. As of Spring, 2020, she’s stepping down as part of the planning committee and will join in as a participant when she can. Thanks again, Sarah!
Fall, 2019 at 5:30pmET
August 7: Planning your semester
September 4: Recruiting students
October 2: Integrating courses and curriculum
November 6: Researching programs & pedagogy
December 4: Celebrating our successes
In the meantime, if you have questions or comments, just get in touch with any us below.
Cagle, Lauren, lauren.cagle@uky.edu
Sara Doan, saradoan@uwm.edu
Sarah Gunning sgunning@towson.edu
Lisa Meloncon, Meloncon@usf.edu
Mike Trice, mtrice@mit.edu