Hosting Information

Prospective Conference Hosts

CPTSC is currently accepting proposals for institutions to host its 2015 and 2016 annual meetings/conferences.

Although the deadline for submitting a proposal to host a future conference is an open one, prospective conference hosts are encouraged to submit their proposal by July of the preceding year so the proposal can be discussed at the CPTSC annual business meeting that will take place that fall. (For example, proposals for the 2015 conference should be submitted by July of 2014 in order to be discussed at the 2014 annual business meeting.)

Prospective conference hosts should review the following items if planning to submit a proposal to host a future CPTSC conference:

Serving as Local Conference Host for a CPTSC Annual Meeting

This document provides an overview of the duties of the local conference host and provides an example timeline conference hosts should follow when planning an annual meeting/conference.

Submitting a Proposal to Host a CPTSC Annual Meeting

This file provides an overview of the different items prospective annual meeting/conference hosts need to address in proposals to host a future CPTSC conference. Individuals may also use a template to organize the proposal they wish to submit. Proposals to host a future CPTSC annual meeting/conference should be submitted as .doc or .pdf files emailed to the CPTSC President at