Current Issue

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Volume 6, Issue 2

We’re pleased to present the second issue of 2014. The articles in this issue all look at program development from different perspectives—the best instructional methods for style analysis, social media and innovations such as online degrees.


Certification and Its Implications to the Academic Community in Professional and Technical Communication
Saul Carliner, Liz Pohland, and Steven Jong

Teaching and Learning with Social Media: Tools Cultures and Best Practices
Alica R. Daer and Liza Potts

Integrating Chinese Emphasis into a Professional Communication Program
Jennifer deWinter

Program Showcase

University of Limerick's MA in Technical Communication and E-Learning
Darina M. Slattery and Yvonne Cleary

Curriculum Showcase

Overcoming Workplace Writing Norms: Empowering Technical-Writing Students Through Stylistic Analysis
Brian D. Blackburne

Guest Editorial

Challenges and Opportunities Facing Programs
Robert R. Johnson, Pavel Zemliansky, and Heidi McKee

Book Review

Start Your Career: 5 Steps to Finding the Right Job after College
Jessica Lauer